######## THE LEGEND OF Zelda####### ### ##### ##### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ## ######### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ########## ####### ####### ##### ### ###Version 1.0Finished June 17, 2005Guide to Hyrule By Sage of Lightninga.k.a. lightningsage~ChrisINTROI have spent a long time playing the wonderful and enchanting Legend ofZelda series. Now that I know tons about the somewhat cheap (yet stillwonderful) original, I finally thought I’d make a guide for the game sopeople can get help with it if they need it (my gosh that makes me proud).Although the game may look cheap today, it was a big deal back then. Thisgame was not only the first in existence to actually save progress, but itwas also the only game where the player could make the choices and go wherethey wanted, rather than just go through a series of levels. This guide isto help you, the gamer, make the choices and give advice on where to go.This is a though game, especially for someone new to the series, and you’remore than likely going to need help. It also provides mostly basicwalkthroughs of the nine dungeons in both quests, plus maps containing everylast secret (or at least I tried to). In other words, ready to slay thatdragon called The Legend of Zelda? This’ll help you do just that with bothquests. Okay, sorry for going on and on, here’s your stupid guide already!NOTE: Please point out any errors in this guide. The labyrinth walkthroughswere written based on my paper-and-pencil notes. If I send you through aone-way passage the wrong way, or I fail to give 100% accurate instructions,I’m sorry, please eMail me and tell me the error you found. And the worldmap info isn’t 100% accurate, when it comes to direct quotes.TABLE OF CONTENTSStoryWorld MapsExtra World Map InfoLabyrinth WalkthroughsEnlarging Your Life GaugeItemsEnemy FilesContact MeLegal InformationCreditsSTORYLong ago, in the kingdom of Hyrule, a young boy stumbled across an old ladyone day being attacked by Moblins. After saving her, she thanked him andtold him about a princess named Zelda who was kidnapped by Ganon, the Kingof Evil. Zelda had the Triforce of Wisdom, a valuable treasure Ganonwanted. Ganon had already stolen the Triforce of Power, and once theTriforce was complete, he would reign over Hyrule. Before Zelda waskidnapped by Ganon’s minions, she broke the Triforce of Wisdom into eightunits and had them scattered throughout Hyrule. Link agreed to set out tosave Zelda from Ganon and restore the Triforce of Wisdom. But it’s moreeasily said than done….WORLD MAPSThese are some helpful world map schematics for both quests. Each rectanglerepresents one screen. When the camera scrolls, it’s shifting screens. Fordetailed info on a certain screen, refer to the Extra World Map Infosection.~First Quest Southern Hyrule World Map ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 8___-20___-20PS_Lv9___-20______S2_Lv5S__PS_L__100 7G_____S__30_-20___G___________C__?__C__W__-20G__ 6___S3_Lv6W__PB_S__S__PS_30__________HC_30____HC_ 5_________PS_S________Lv1___F________Lv230____D__ 4______Lv7F__S__Lv4S__HC_30_W__S__PS____S__10____ 3___10__________D__10_____________10_______S__HC_ 2___?__100-20PS____S__30_-20___-20100___Lv8___S__ 1C__30_______Lv3C__G__S1_PS_W_____HC_G__-20______ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P ^ Start~Second Quest Southern Hyrule World Map ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 8Lv9-20PS_-20PS____HC_-20___S3_S2_F__S__PS_S__S__ 7G__L__S__30_-20S__G_____PS_Lv8C__*__C__W__-20G__ *=“Lv4”AND “?” 6HC____30_W__PB_S__S_____30_PS____10____30____HC_ 5Lv6______PS_Lv2______Lv1___F__HC____Lv330_______ 4_________F__S__Lv5S_____30_W__S__PS____S__10____ 3___10____100______10____30_______10_______S__HC_ 2G__?_____-20PS____S_____-20___-20___Lv7___10_S__ 1C___________S__C__G__S1_PS_W________G__-20______ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P ^ StartLost PathwaysThis applies for both quests.B2=You can go from A2 to B2 easily. You can easily pass between B2 and B1,B2 and B3, and B2 and C2. But to get from B2 to A2, you have to go north,west, south, west.L7=You can’t pass between L7 and L6, or L7 and M7. You can easily passbetween L7 and K7, as well as go from L8 to L7. But to get from L7 to L8,you have to go north four times.KeyC=Cave#=Rupees-#=Less RupeesLv#=Level #G=GamblingS1=SwordS2=White SwordS3=Magic SwordPS=Potion ShopHC=Heart ContainerF=Fairy Fountain?=Lost PathwayD=DockPB=Power BraceletL=LetterW=Warp Passageway*=See the * by the end of the rowEXTRA WORLD MAP INFONow, for all those overworld secrets when you tire of going through theunderworld labyrinths.Main World Schematic for Both QuestsThis roughly shows where the boundaries are. Don’t rely on it, it’s not100% percise, just take a look if you’re clueless. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 _ _ _ _ _ 7_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ _ _ 5 _ _ _ __ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ _ _ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P~First Quest(actually, I forget what they say when you lose money)(Note: If it’s not there, use Bombs to reveal it)(Note: In potion shops, it only applies when you give the Letter to the oldwoman)A8: N/AB8: From the eastern path, take a few steps west, then go north to thenorthern wall and go west until you hit the wall in the middle of thescreen. You should be in a corner. Face north and there it is. When yougo in, 20 Rupees will be taken away from you. What, you asked me!GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesC8: N/AD8: The northern wall two squares left of the stairs (remember, squares areas wide as the steps, squint to see them). Go in to lose 20 Rupees.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesE8: On the eastern side of the screen, go north up against the flat wall.The second square from the west from where it begins to zigzag. Give theold woman the letter.BUY MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68F8: The souteastern corner of the western rock and go in.Red RingSilver ArrowsG8: N/AH8: The northern wall six squares east of the stairs.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesI8: N/AJ8: N/AK8: If you have seven or more heart containers, the man will give you thewhite sword.WHEN YOU MASTER IT YOU CAN HAVE THIS.White SwordL8: It’s in plain sight, although there’s an alternate entrance under thenortheastern Armos statue, but it still takes you to the same place.RecorderM8: The wall five squares north and three squares east of the stairs.BOY, THIS IS EXPENSIVE!Magical Shield: 160Key: 100Blue Candle: 60N8: The northern wall right where it stops zigzagging from the east. Givethe letter to the old woman.BUY MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68O8: Go into the cave and get the letter from the old man.GIVE THIS TO OLD WOMAN.LetterP8: To reach it, climb up the northern wall just east of the big tree in thecenter of P7. It’s in plain sight.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.100 RupeesA7: The wall two squares east of the stairs to reveal it.LET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)B7: N/AC7: The northern wall on the eastern side where it stops zigzagging.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Food: 100Magical Shield: 90Extra Heart: 10D7: While the potion shop is on the western side of that flat wall, this ison the eastern side.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesE7: The northern wall one square west of the Armos statue in the northeast.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesF7: N/AG7: The northern wall on the west side of the small flat part.LET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)H7: You can cross the river west with the stepladder.I7: N/AJ7: N/AK7: Walk into the bottom of the waterfall.GIVE ME MONEY AND I’LL TALK.-10 Rupees: THAT’S NOT ENOUGH.-20 Rupees: THAT’S NOT ENOUGH.-50 Rupees: GO UP, UP THE MOUNTAIN AHEAD.L7: You can pass west, but east and south go on forever, and north is yourdestination. Go north five times to reach L8.M7: Under the statue west of the northeasternmost one.N7: With the Power Bracelet, push the rock.GO WHICH WAY YOU WANT.West: to D6Center: to J4East: to J1O7: Three squares east of where it becomes flat, the wall, I mean.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesP7: It’s in plain sight: the tree.LET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)A6: N/AB6: Push the gravestone southwest of the northeasternmost one.WHEN YOU MASTER IT YOU CAN HAVE THIS.Magic SwordC6: It’s in plain sight, but another entrance to the same place is under thenorthwestern statue.Magic RodD6: With the Power Bracelet, push the western rock.TAKE ANY ROAD YOU WANT.West: to J4Center: to J1East: to N7E6: Under the northeastern Armost statue.Power BraceletF6: Two squares west of the eastern staircase.BOY, THIS IS EXPENSIVE!Arrows: 80Magical Shield: 1304 Bombs: 20G6: In the center of the flat part of the northern wall.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 90Food: 100Extra Heart: 10H6: The second square from the eastern side of the screen. You can crossthe river west with the stepladder.BUY MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68I6: Burn the southern green tree in the eastern column.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesJ6: N/AK6: N/AL6: N/AM6: Bomb the southeastern corner of the rock and go in. Take the heartcontainer. Much more valuable.TAKE ANY ONE YOU WANT.2nd Potion or Heart ContainerN6: Bomb the wall two squares east of the stairs.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesO6: N/AP6: Take the raft from P5. It’s in plain sight. Go in and choose the heartcontainer.TAKE ANY ROAD YOU WANT.2nd Potion or Heart ContainerA5: N/AB5: N/AC5: N/AD5: Bomb four squares east of the western staircase.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68E5: Under the statue in the center of the northern row.BOY, THIS IS EXPENSIVE!Key: 80Blue Ring: 250Food: 60F5: N/AG5: N/AH5: It’s in plain sight.BowBoomerangI5: N/AJ5: This fairy will restore all your life.K5: N/AL5: N/AM5: It’s in plain sight.Magical BoomerangN5: Under the eastern Armos statue.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesO5: N/AP5: Walk off the dock to the north to go to P6 for a Heart Container.A4: N/AB4: N/AC4: Play the Recorder to drain the water and reveal it.Red CandleD4: This fairy will give you all your life back.E4: Right there, genius.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 1304 Bombs: 20Arrows: 80F4: Right there.StepladderG4: Burn the northwesternmost tree to reveal it.Food: 100Extra Heart: 10Magical Shield: 90H4: Burn the tree 18 trees east of the one in the northwestern corner at G4.Choose the Heart Container, as always.TAKE ANY ONE YOU WANT.2nd Potion or Heart ContainerI4: Go to to the northeastern corner of the trees and burn the one south ofthe one on the inside of the northeastern corner.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesJ4: With the Power Bracelet, push the rock.TAKE ANY ROAD YOU WANT.West: to J1Center: to N7East: to D6K4: Plain sight.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Arrows: 80Magical Shield: 1304 Bombs: 20L4: Burn the tree two trees south of the one in the very inner northwesterncorner of the path going down the eastern side of the screen to reveal it.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68M4: N/AN4: Burn the the southern tree in the easternmost column of trees out in theopen, not packed together.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 90Food: 100Extra Heart: 10O4: Under the eastern Armos statue.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesP4: N/AA3: N/AB3: Burn the southeastern of the trees out in the open, not packed together.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.10 RupeesC3: N/AD3: N/AE3: N/AF3: Walk off the dock to the north to ride the raft to F4.G3: Burn the southwestern of the trees that’re out in the open, not packedtogether.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.10 RupeesH3: N/AI3: N/AJ3: N/AK3: N/AL3: Burn the southwestern of the tree in the open, not tightly packed.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.10 RupeesM3: N/AN3: N/AO3: Right there in front of your nose.BOY, THIS IS EXPENSIVE!Magical Shield: 160Key: 100Blue Candle: 60P3: Use the Stepladder to reach across to the platforms on the water and getthe Heart Container.Heart ContainerA2: N/AB2: You can pass east, north and south go on forever, and west is yourdestination. To go west, you need to go north, then west, then south, thenwest again.C2: Burn the northernmost tree that’s in the THIN wall of trees to revealit.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.100 RupeesD2: Burn the southern tree in the second column from the west of OPEN TREESto reveal it, not the ones that’re tightly packed.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesE2: Right there, just go in.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68F2: N/AG2: It’s in plain sight.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 160Key: 100Blue Candle: 60H2: Bomb two squares west of that little bump in the center of the top.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesI2: Burn the one north of the southern tree in the westernmost row.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesJ2: N/AK2: Burn the southern one in the westernmost row of OPEN TREES, not packedones.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesL2: Burn the tree northwest of the one in the southeastern corner of thegroup of open trees, not packed tightly ones.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.100 RupeesM2: N/AN2: Burn the tree blocking the two paths from connecting.O2: N/AP2: Right there, on the right side of the northern wall.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Arrows: 80Magical Shield: 1304 Bombs: 20A1: In plain sight.GIVE ME MONEY AND I’LL TALK.-10 Rupees: GIVE ME MORE.-20 Rupees: TO GET THROUGH THE FOREST OF MAZE, GO NORTH, WEST, SOUTH, WEST.-50 Rupees: BOY, YOU’RE RICH!B1: Bomb just east of the opening in the northern wall.IT’S A SECRET FROM EVERYONE.30 Rupees.C1: N/AD1: N/AE1: Plain sight.RaftF1: Right there, go from the west side of the river from F2.MEET THE OLD MAN AT THE GRAVE.G1: Bomb the northern wall one square west of the northernmost rock.LET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)H1: Plain sight.IT’S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE. TAKE THIS.SwordI1: In the center of the four trees on the west side of the screen… standthere. Now, burn the one southwest of you.BUY MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 602nd Potion: 68J1: With the Power Bracelet, push the western rock.TAKE ANY ROAD YOU WANT.West: to N7Center: to D6East: to J4K1: N/AL1: Bomb the northern wall, two squares west of the path north. Go in andchoose the Heart Container.TAKE ANY ONE YOU WANT.2nd Potion or Heart ContainerM1: Bomb the northern wall nine squares east of the path north at L1.N1: Bomb the wall 25 squares east of it.O1: N/AP1: N/A~Second QuestA8: Bomb the northern wall two squares east of the stairs.Red RingSilver ArrowsB8: That litte corner in the center of the top.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesC8: The northern wall three squares east of the staircase.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68D8: The northern wall three squares west of the stairs.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesE8: The square on the west side of the screen that’s east of the one wherethe wall stops going diagonal, there.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68F8: N/AG8: Stand in the very center. The Heart Container is right beneath yourfeet!H8: It’s just east of where the path is diamond-shaped.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesI8: N/AJ8: Push the rock so that the group looks like an arrow to reveal the secretpassage.WHEN YOU MASTER IT, YOU CAN HAVE THIS.Magic SwordK8: In the cave.WHEN YOU MASTER IT, YOU CAN HAVE THIS.White SwordL8: The fairy will give you back all your life.M8: Three squares east of the stairs.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 160Blue Candle: 60Key: 100N8: Four squares west of the steps.BUY MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68O8: Once again, in plain sight.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 160Key: 100Blue Candle: 60P8: To get there, climb up the wall just east of the green tree at P7. It’sin plain sight.BOY, THIS IS EXPENSIVE!Key: 80Blue Ring: 250Food: 60A7: Two squares east of the stepsLET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)B7: Push the rock so the group of rocks mirrors the shape of the group ofrocks to the west at A7 to reveal the passage.GIVE THIS TO OLD WOMAN.LetterC7: Five squares east of the stairs.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 90Food: 100Extra Heart: 10D7: Eight squares west of the stairs.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesE7: One square west of the northeasternmost Armos statue.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesF7: The west side of the flat part of the wall.BOY, THIS IS EXPENSIVE!Magical Shield: 160Blue Candle: 60Key: 100G7: The west side of the northern flat part of the wall.LET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)H7: You can cross the river west with the stepladder.I7: Bomb the wall from the river using the Stepladder 24 squares east of thestairs at H7.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68J7: 18 squares east of the waterfall, bomb there.Magic RodMagical KeyK7: Go into the waterfall.GIVE ME MONEY AND I’LL TALK.-10: GIVE ME MORE.-20: THAT’S NOT ENOUGH.-50: GO UP, UP THE MOUNTAIN AHEAD.L7: (see first quest)ANDTo open it… push. Power Bracelet.Book of MagicRaftM7: Under the Armos statue west of the one in the northeastern corner.N7: (see quest 1)O7: Bomb just east of the northwestern corner.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesP7: Go into the tree.LET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)A6: Alright, from now on, I’m going to stop putting that you need to choosethe HC, althrough it’s wise. Push the gravestone southeast of thenorthwesternmost one.B6: N/AC6: Plain sight, but there’s an alternate entrance like in the first quest.IT’S A SECRET FROM EVERYONE.30 RupeesD6: (see first quest)E6: Under the northeasternmost Armos statue.Power BraceletF6: Plain sight.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Arrows: 80Magical Shield: 1304 Bombs: 20G6: Bomb the middle of the flat part of the wall.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Food: 100Magical Shield: 90Extra Heart: 10H6: You can cross the river west with the stepladder.I6: Burn the southern one in the eastern column of green trees.J6: Seventh square into the desert, walk there from between those two treesat I6, and it’ll be right under your feet.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68K6: N/AL6: Same position as in J6, and it’ll be right under you.M6: N/AN6: Bomb the wall two squares east of the stairs.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesO6: N/AP6: Plain sight, take the raft from P5.A5: Push north the gravestone southeast of the northeasternmost one.StepladderB5: N/AC5: N/AD5: Bomb three squares west of the eastern steps.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68E5: Under the Armos statue in the center of the northern row.RecorderF5: N/AG5: N/AH5: In plain sight.BoomerangI5: N/AJ5: The fairy, of course, will refill your life gauge.K5: Same position as J6 and L6.L5: N/AM5: Magical BoomerangN5: Under the eastern Armos statue.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesO5: N/AP5: Step off the northern side of the dock to ride the raft to P6.A4: N/AB4: N/AC4: N/AD4: The fairy will restore your life.E4: Plain sight.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 1304 Bombs: 20Arrows: 80F4: Plain sight.BowG4: Burn the northwesternmost tree.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 90Food: 100Extra Heart: 10H4: N/AI4: Burn the tree south of the one on the inside of the northeastern corner.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 Rupees.J4: (see first quest)K4: Plain sight.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 1304 Bombs: 20Arrows: 80L4: Burn the tree two trees south of the one on the inside of the verynorthwestern corner of the path going down the east side of the screen.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68M4: N/AN4: Burn the southern tree in the easternmost row of OPEN trees.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 90Food: 100Extra Heart: 10O4: Under the eastern Armos statue.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.10 RupeesP4: N/AA3: N/AB3: Burn the southwesternmost OPEN tree.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.10 RupeesC3: N/AD3: Two squares south of the northwestern green tree.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.100 RupeesE3: N/AF3: Walk north off the dock to ride the raft to F4.G3: Burn the southwesternmost OPEN tree.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.10 RupeesH3: N/AI3: From the northwesternmost open tree, go one tree south and two west.Burn it.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.30 RupeesJ3: N/AK3: N/AL3: Southwesternmsot open tree, burn it.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.10 RupeesM3: N/AN3: N/AO3: Plain sight.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 160Key: 100Blue Candle: 60P3: Use the stepladder.Heart ContainerA2: Six squares east and four squares north the southwesternmost treeonscreen.LET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)B2: (see first quest)C2: N/AD2: The second column from the east of open trees, the southern tree. Burnit.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesE2: Plain sight. Letter, of course, as always.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68F2: N/AG2: Plain sight.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 160Key: 100Blue Candle: 60H2: N/AI2: Walk there from H2. Don’t go forward. Instead, south. The treeclosest to you. Burn it.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesJ2: N/AK2: Burn the southwesternmost tree.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesL2: N/AM2: Burn the westernmost tree at the north end of the thin wall of trees.Red CandleN2: N/AO2: The row of trees in the very center vertically, burn the fourth tree.IT’S A SECRET TO EVERYONE.10 RupeesP2: Plain sight.Magical Shield: 1304 Bombs: 20Arrows: 80A1: Plain sight.GIVE ME MONEY AND I’LL TALK.-10 Rupees: THAT’S NOT ENOUGH.-20 Rupees: TO GET THROUGH THE FOREST OF MAZE, GO NORTH, WEST, SOUTH, WEST.-50 Rupees: BOY, YOU’RE RICH!B1: N/AC1: N/AD1: N/AE1: Right west of the northern little bump in the wall.BUY SOMETHIN’ WILL YA!Magical Shield: 160Key: 100Blue Candle: 60F1: Plain sight.G1: Bomb the northern wall two squares west of the northernmost rock.LET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)H1: Right there.IT’S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE! TAKE THIS.SwordI1: Go there from H1. Stand in the middle of the square formed by the firstfour trees from the west. Burn the tree southeast of you.BUY SOME MEDICINE BEFORE YOU GO.Life Potion: 402nd Potion: 68J1: (see first quest)K1: N/AL1: N/AN1: See quest 1 for where to bomb.LET’S PLAY MONEY-MAKING GAME.(gambling)O1: See quest 1 for where to bomb.GIVE ME YOUR MONEY.-20 RupeesP1: N/ALABYRINTH WALKTHROUGHS—READ THESE TWO PARAGHRAPHS, IMPORTANT!The deep and dark labyrinths of Hyrule in which the units of the Triforce ofWisdom are hidden require much skill and knowledge to get through. I highlysuggest that you bring a potion with you. But don’t use a potion on theoverworld. If you’re low on health on the overworld, go to a fairy pond.These walkthroughs, although they won’t help you get everything in thelabyrinth (refer to the labyrinth maps for that), will help you find thenecessary items, defeat the boss, and get the Triforce unit there. If thereis a wall, but the map here says there’s still a way, you can bomb thatwall. If that doesn’t work, (quest 2 only) you can walk through that wallafter Level 1, most likely. It should be noted that, despite the maps, somesecret passages are one-way. Another thing, these are strictly labyrinthwalkthroughs, not overworld coverage. If you want a new sword or somethingyou find on the overworld, refer to the Extra World Map Info section, as theonly info about the overworlds here is how to reach the labyrinths.How to bomb a wall:Stand in the EXACT VERY CENTER of the wall, right between the two littlebumps. Facing the wall, touching it, right against it, equip your bombs andpress the B button. The bomb should be right between the two little bumps.When it explodes, if the wall is bombable and you did it right, there shouldbe a hole to walk through.Map KeyV=Entrance%=Locked Door/=Sealing Door@=One-way wall/door, see note at bottom of mapF=KeyE=MapO=CompassU=Old Man/Woman!=5 RupeesB=Bombs$=Room full of Rupees#=Secret PassageZ=Boss*=Special Item, see below mapX=GoalAt end of row=extras~First QuestLevel 1—First Quest _ _ 6 *-F _ _ 5 F Z/X _ _ _ % 4 U/_-E%*-F % 3 _/F-O 2 _ _ % _ 1 F-V-F A B C D E FSpecial Items:B6=Bow (in secret passage)D4=BoomerangOld Men/Women:A4=EASTERN PENINSULA IS THE SECRET.To reach Level 1:>From H1 (start), go one screen to the east. You might want the Sword first,though, so get it from the cave. Now you can go into the forest. Oncethere, keep going north, avoiding and fighting Octoroks and Leevers, untilyou reach the southeast corner of the lake. Go north one more screen (youcan block rocks automatically with the Shield as long as you don’t press Aor B). Now, cross the bridge to the west. On the island is an Octorok.Kill it if it gets in your way, but, other than that, ignore it. In themiddle of the island is a tree with a face. Walk into the mouth, which isthe, ahem, “secret” entrance to Level 1. So much for “secret.” ^_^Basic walkthrough:Welcome to Level 1—Eagle, the game’s first labyrinth. Wait, don’t freak outjust yet! You’ve got things to do. It may sound scary, but it’s cakewalkcompared to what’s coming later on in the game. After you’re ready, you’llface off against the fearsome Aquamentus. Hey, stop wincing in fear, you’rehurting my ears! ~_^Now, to get started. North is where you need to go, but obviously you can’topen a locked door without a key. But no need to worry, young one! You canfind one. Go west into the room with the Keese. Now, kill them all withyour sword (A button). If you’re on full health, you should be able toshoot magical beams out of your sword. Aren’t you glad you didn’t hurry atthe beginning? When you finally get rid of every last one of those annoyingoversized bats, grab the key. Get it. Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?See? Now you get how this game works, right? Head back to the last room.Now, if you want to, you can go east for another key that you *might in factneed later on* (hint). Stalfos. Not a problem. That’s why swords wereinvented. Stab them all when they come at you, and one is holding a key.Get it and run, unless you want some extra hearts, Rupees, and (if you’relucky) a fairy. Head back and unlock the door.Now, you’re getting the hang of it. There’s nothing important about thisroom, so keep on going. In the next room, if you kill every Stalfos, you’llget a key. In the room to the east is this labyrinth’s compass, which tellsyou where the Triforce unit is. But, Keese will block your way. Kill anythat stand in your way, grab it, and run. Now, go west and, avoidinggetting hurt by the Keese, unlock the door and go north.Zols are in this next room. Eliminate these annoying blobs of jelly. Now,a sealed door? What are you going to do? Well, the block is practicallyscreaming, “Push me!” If you go west, gramps will tell you to go east. Doas he says until you reach the map. Well, you might want to get those Zolsout of your way. Which way? A decision you’ve gotta make all the timehere, in Hyrule.North is your best choice. In this water-filled room, get the key from theStalfos and keep going north. There should be Goriya in this room, tossingboomerangs at you. You can block them with your shield. Once they’re allkilled, a key will appear. Unlock the western door and run to the west asfast as you can. The traps should nearly get you. If you’re fast enough,you’ll make it.The thing with these traps is, there’s a certain method to get by them,rathing than risking your own behind. Go toward the center of the north orsouth wall and touch it. When the traps come zooming at you, step out ofthe way. As they slowly reset, go around the block. Then, push the westernblock north or south to access the passage. Go in and retrieve the bow.You can buy arrows in the overworld later. Head back to the map room. Now,unlock the eastern door and go to the next room.Defeat all the Goriya to make the boomerang appear. Grab it. It is likelythe first weapon you can use other than the sword. It’s all you have forthe B button at the moment. Continue east into the room with the creepyWallmasters. If they grab you, they’ll take your sorry butt all the wayback to the beginning, so I wouldn’t try anything. There’s a key available,but just run to unlock the northern door.Time to fight the boss. If you’re on full hearts, stand near the center ofthe western wall, and keep shooting sword beams at Aquamentus’ horn. Thefireballs should miss every time. Now, if you’re missing half a heart ormore, too bad. You’ll have to fight the old-fashioned way. Go right up tothe dragon and stab at the head (maybe the neck, too) and dodge the threefireballs the come every second or so. Keep stabbing if you’re on low life,and it will die quickly, leaving a heart container behind. Grab it, goeast, and, ta-daa! The first unit. Grab it to end the level. Good. Here’s a cookie.Level 2—First Quest _ _ 8 X/Z / _ 7 B-U / 6 _%! 5 F-B 4 F-* / 3 _%E _ _ 2 F/_-_%O 1 V-F A B C DSpecial Items:D4=Magical BoomerangOld Men/Women:D7=DODONGO DISLIKES SMOKE.To reach Level 2:>From H1 (start), Head to the east until you reach the ocean. There will beTekties when you pass through the rocks, but they’re not too much of aproblem. Watch out when they jump around, then stab when they’re standingstill. Once at the sea, immediately go north (unless you want the heartcontainer, refer to the Extra World Map Info section, but DO NOT get thepotion under any circumstances, if you’re about to die or not). Now, gonorth two screens into the forest quickly, because monsters will attack atthe seashore. However, there are a lot of Moblins in the forest, so goquickly. Now, take the northernmost path to the east two screens. Now, gonorth once, west to the bottom of the hill with all the Octoroks (yeah, theycan be a problem if you don’t block against their attacks and stab any thatget in your way). Now, go up the stairs to the north. Voi-la! Theentrance to the next labyrinth. Well, what’re you waitin’ for, Christmas?Go on in, already! ~_^Basic walkthrough:WARNING! YOU NEED TO HAVE AT LEAST 2 BOMBS, PREFERRABLY 4-8, TO CONTINUE.IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN FOUR, GO BUY SOME OR SOMEHOW GET SOME. DO NOT USETHEM UNTIL YOU FACE DODONGO. This is Level 2—Moon. Alright, you mightthink that after that piece of cake, this is going to be quite simple.Nope, afraid not. Ropes. They’re everywhere, those annoying snake-likethings, and they’ll charge at you. You’re probably thinking, “Littlesnakes? Come on.” Well, just wait until you walk through the door to theeast.J See, I was right, once again! Dodge those little pests, eliminate them,and grab the key. After you head north, run. Get past the Ropes, and gonorth. Get past the Goriya in this next room, and go—you guessed it, north.In this room, the door will close behind you. To the east is a room whereyou can fight blue Goriya for the magical boomerang. If you want the key,get rid of those Ropes, but if I were you, I’d run to the north.Yay, finally, something more… original. X_X A sand-filled room. Get pastthose annoying Moldorms (yes, you can use your sword) and head north. Inthis next room, well, I’m sorry to say, you’ll have to defeat every Rope.These jerks think they have you, right? Let them face your wrath!Stab-stab-stab, mua-ha-ha! x\_/x Okay, I’m getting carried away. But, thenagain, why would I be writing this? Head north.These Goriya shouldn’t bemuch of a problem. Get rid of them to open the door and head north to facethe boss—Dodongo.Dodongo isn’t too hard. Follow its head around. When it turns and you’rein front of it, facing it, equip your bombs and press B RIGHT before itmakes contact with you. If you did it right, it will swallow the bomb andits stomach will inflate a little. Do it again to kill it. Grab the heartcontainer and head west. Now, grab the Triforce unit to finish the level.Level 3—First Quest _ _ 6 F/U / _ 5 _ X _ _ % _ / 4 F-B%F%E-Z / 3 _%O-B-_/! / 2 * F A2=Bombs _ 1 F-V A B C D ESpecial Items:A2=Raft (in secret passage)Old Men/Women:C6=DID YOU GET THE SWORD FROM THE OLD MAN ON TOP OF THE WATERFALL?How to reach Level 3:Before you enter, you really might want to consider buying arrows (refer tothe Extra World Map Info section of this guide), as you won’t find arrowslaying around. The only way to get them is to buy them. It’s also highlyreccomended that you buy a potion (but NOT instead of a heart containerunder any circumstances). Also, you should have the white sword by now.Anyway, from H1, go north to where the Octoroks are. Not a big problem.Head west across the river until you reach the forest, not as green as theeastern one. If you want to, you can go to the beautiful fairy two screensto the north to restore your health, otherwise, keep going south, then goeast. Yeah, I know the Moblins are a problem. Just block their arrows andstab when they get near. Anyway, here you are. Level 3—Manji.Basic walkthrough:When you first enter, you really have no choice to go west or not. Well, doI need to tell you to? Do it already! In this next room are Gels. Alittle big, slow, don’t hurt much, and they are very satisfying to stab.Get rid of them, grab the key, and go north. Do the same in this next room,grabbing the key and going north.In this next room is probably your first encounter with Darknuts. You thinkthis is ridiculous, wait for what’s to come…. If you kill them all (stabthem in the back or side, although bombs work too), then some extra bombswill appear. Go west into the room with the traps in the corners. Rememberthese from Level 1? Same idea. The compass is also in this room. Go westinto the next room.Sadly, you can’t open the southern door until you defeat every Darknut.Only use bombs if you’re absolutely desperate, because those are a bit rare,although they’ll kill a Darknut with one blast. When the southern dooropens, go south. More Darknuts. Defeating them all will make some extrabombs appear, if you need some extras. Go into the passage to the east.Inside is the raft.You’re probably thinking, “Yay! I get to cross the water!” Not quite yet.It’s time to kick some butt and get that Triforce unit. Head on back to thefirst Darknut room (C3). You COULD give a key for the map and go one roomnorth, then east, then get the map, go south, defeat the Darknuts, go east,defeat every enemy, then go north. OR, instead, you could just bomb a holein the eastern wall, go another room north past the Darknuts, and bomb ahole in the eastern wall in that room. Now, you can go east right to theboss, Manhandla.Simple? Well, the battle half of it isn’t exactly simple. If you havebombs, NOW is the time to use them, instead of wasting them. Yep. You hearthat? That’s the sound of applause. Or is that just the audience snoring?Anyway, give the four heads the business end of your blade, and show thiscreep what you’re made of! Use the potion if you need it. Stay moving, andpush A repeatedly when it arrives near you. Finally, it will eventually godown and give you a heart container, and you can go north, and—that’sright—grab the Triforce unit. End of level, and I can finally get somesleep! LLevel 4—First Quest _ _ _ _ 8 U%F-_ X / / 7 B-$-_/Z / 6 _-E % % _ 5 _%_/* 4 F _ 3 _-F _ 2 _%O _ 1 F-V A B C DSpecial Items:C5=Stepladder (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:A8=WALK INTO THE WATERFALL.How to reach Level 4:>From H1 (start), go one screen to the north, then go west until you reachthe river, but don’t cross it. Now, go north to the dock and walk off it tothe north. The raft will come out and you’ll ride across the water over tothe island to the north. On the island is—voi-la!—the entrance to Level4—Demon. Well, just go in already! ~_^Basic walkthrough:If you’re expecting easy, you’re probably not ready. Have at least a fewbombs and I’d advise you buy a blue candle. Are you ready? Well, let’s go!Let’s start out easy. Go west into the room with the Keese. Practice withyour sword on them, grab the key, go back to the entrance room, and gonorth.Were you expecting Vire? Well, you’re not at the beginning, anymore, youknow. When you hit them with your sword, they’ll split up into red Keese,which can be killed off with your boomerang, so I wouldn’t recommendattacking unless you’re confident you won’t lose any precious life. Noteven one little bit. If you want to unlock the eastern door and go get thecompass, you can. But let me tell, there’s lots of Vire and no free space.Now go north. Practice on these wimpy little Keese, grab the key, and headwest.I know what you’re thinking. “Jeez, this is another one of those horrorfilms again.” Yeah, the lights are off, so what? Are you afraid of thedark or something? That’s what I thought. If you have a candle, now is thetime. It doesn’t run out, you can use it as many times as you want, butonce every screen. Use it whenever it’s dark, so I can ignore the fact thatI’m walking you through dark rooms. It’s a zigzag design EXACTLY what thesecond room of Level 3 was like. If any Vire get in your way, get rid ofthem. Now head north. I told ya this wouldn’t be a piece of cake.Continue north.Gels. What’s the big deal? Hit ‘em with that sword already! It can reachacross water. Snag that key and go north. Obviously, you’re thinkingsomething like, “How do they expect me to just step across water?” That’swhat stepladders were made for, so go get one! Unlock the door to the east,walk on the winding path across the water as you kill the Vire and the Keesethey split up into to open the eastern door, but don’t waste a key on thenorthern door, because the map will be on the other side of the water thatyou can’t cross even with a stepladder. Now, go east.Avoid the Like-Likes at absolutely all costs or it’ll eat your magicalshield if you have one. Then, kill it with your sword (stabbing left andright sides) and you might be able to pick your shield back up. Anyway,kill the Gels and Like-Likes as you avoid the blue Bubbles moving around theroom. If a Bubble hits you, it’ll curse you so you can’t stab for a fewseconds. So, once the Gels and Like-Likes are gone, push the western blockto reveal the secret passage. Go down and retrieve the amazing… thewonderful… the incredible… stepladder.What do you mean, “It’s just a stupid ladder.”? It’ll prove to be a lotmore useful than you think. Go two rooms back to the west, cross the waterto the door, unlock it, and go into the room. Here, I’d advise you ignorethe Vire and go east. Now, although there are annoying Zols (hit them withthat sword of yours), go north up the western wall, east along the northernwall, then south down the eastern wall and get the map. Now, go back to thecenter of the northern wall and bomb a hole.Go into the room full of Rupees. Jackpot! Grab ‘em, unless you have 999 orsomewhere around there. No need to waste valuable Rupees. 999 is all youcan carry. Dead end, right? Wrong. You can bomb all four walls in thisroom. Bomb the eastern one and go into the room with the Vire. Get rid ofthem and push the western block to open the eastern door. Prepare to fightGleeok, a two-headed dragon, and head east.Is it a good idea to hide behind the blocks? I haven’t tried to see if itworks, so just go up, dodge the fireballs, and stab heads. When a head isstabbed off, it will fly around hurling fireballs at you. Avoid it and stabat the others, but stay moving. When it finally dies, grab the heartcontainer and go north to the room with the Triforce unit. And now guesswhat? Grab it.Level 5—First Quest _ _ 8 *%1 _ _ % _ 7 X U F-U / _ _ 6 Z%_-F%F / 5 _ O _ 4 E-F _ % 3 F/B-! _ / / _ 2 1-_-F%U 1 V-F A B C DSpecial Items:B8=Recorder (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:D2=DIGDOGGER HATES CERTAIN KIND OF SOUND.D7=I’D BET YOU’D LIKE TO HAVE MORE BOMBS. (Carry 4 more bombs: -100 Rupees)B7=SECRET POWER IS SAID TO BE IN THE ARROW.How to reach Level 5:Good for you, you’re actually getting through the game! Have anothercookie. ~_^ Be warned, however, even I got a bit scared from this point on.Even writing the walkthrough can be a bit scary. I advise you get arrows,because you’ll need them for Level 6. If there was ever a time to buy apotion, it’s now. Anyway, as usual, I’ll start from H1 (start). I’drecommend stopping at a fairy pond on the way. Now, go one screen east andgo north past the bridge to Level 1, and continue until you can go nofurther to the north. Now go one screen west, then one screen north. Getready to dodge a lot of falling rocks. But being a pancake is better thanfacing my wrath, trust me. So, go east already! Finally, you’ll come tothe bottom of the waterfall that the old man mentioned back in Level 4. Youcan go under and waste Rupees on the old woman if you want (if you feel theurge, give her the amount on the right, I think), or you can listen to metell you the same thing in more detail. Go east. You are in the Lost Hillsnow. Not to worry! Go south. Same thing. Go east. Same thing. North?Same thing. Go west. Not same thing! Okay, there’s a secret. Go backeast. Here’s the secret: just go north five times and you’ll finally cometo the top. The entrance. You thought that was hard? Go in and see this.(As a side note, there’s another entrance to the same place under the mostnortheastern statue. Don’t ask me why.)Basic walkthrough:Welcome to Level 5—Lizard. Let’s just get this headache over with, okay?First, go north. Eliminate the Gibdo with the key, then bomb the westernwall and go through. Here, defeat all the Gibdos. Although you don’t needto for what you’re doing right now, just do it, because you’ll wish you had.Now, bomb a hole in the western wall again and go through after you prepareto fight a room full of blue Darknuts. Don’t use any potions at all. Ifyou die, you die. Those guys are tough. Attack the sides and back.Defeating them all is necessary Stay near the door, and after you kill one,or if you need to, go back through the hole. Then go back, wait for aDarknut to come your way, and kill it. Don’t fight more than one at a time.If you try to show off and fight the whole room at once, you’re not going tomake it, trust me. After they’re all finally dead, push the westernmostblock and enter the passage.After going through the Keese-inhabited secret passage, you’ll find yourselfon the northern side of the labyrinth. Push the western block out of theway, prepare for a fight, and go west. Another room full of Darknuts. Nowyou can use the potion if you lose too much life. Use the same tactics asabove. Once they’re dead, a secret passage will appear. Get the recorderfrom it, and head back and go back through the passage, unless you want togo south, then east (there’s a key along the way), you can carry more bombs.Once back on the other side of the passage, push the western block out ofthe way and go two rooms back to the east.Now that you have the recorer, it’s time to find the boss. Stab at theGibdos if they’re there, and when the northern door opens, go through itinto the room with the Dodongos. I wouldn’t say fighting them is worth it.By the way, on the overworld, you can play the recorder to warp to acompleted labyrinth. Unlock the door to the north, go in, and grab the mapquickly. Now, go back. Go east. Remember what I told you about darkrooms? About the candle? Defeating all the Gels will make a 5 Rupee pieceappear. Now go north. Although you can get a key here, I’d just run forit, as you’ll want to save your life for later. North.After fighting all those strong Darknuts back there, this should be noproblem. Next, grab the compass and go north. Two Pols Voices, two Gibdos,and two Keese. You can get a key from this dangerous six (Pols Voicesrequire bombs to defeat), but I’d just unlock the western door and continueto the room with the Pols Voices. If they get in your way, knock them awaywith your sword, but you won’t get anything from killing them, so just getto the other side of the room, unlock the western door, and go into the bossroom.The first thing to do is play the recorder with B to make the shell go away.Now you can attack the eye with your sword. Stay moving, and stab whenDigdogger gets near. Keep in mind, though, that Digdogger is a lot moredangerous than a the fireballs coming at you. Keep stabbing to open thenorthern door. Grab the heart container, go north, and grab the Triforceunit. Another victory.Level 6—First Quest _ _ _ _ 8 *-_-U X _ % / / / _ 7 _/E-F-_ Z 1 / % % 6 !-F _-F / / _ / 5 _ _/1 B / 4 _ / 3 F _ 2 O U _ % 1 _%V-F A B C D E FSpecial Items:B8=Magic Rod (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:C2=AIM AT THE EYES OF GOHMA.D8=THERE ARE SECRETS WHERE FAIRIES DON’T LIVE.How to reach Level 6:WARNING! IF YOU DON’T HAVE BOTH THE BOW AND THE ARROWS, GET THEM NOW. IT ISIMPOSSIBLE TO COMPLETE LEVEL 6 WITHOUT THEM. Buy a magical shield to blockmagic, as well. ‘Kay, feeling confident after that? Don’t get your hopesup. You still have yet to master The Legend of Zelda. I’d recommend youget a potion and go to a fairy pond to restore all your hearts. Yet againfrom H1 (start), head east one screen into the forest, then head north andthen west en route to Level 5 until you reach the river on the screen whereit enters the lake. Cross it to the west with the stepladder and keep goingwest until you can’t go west anymore. Then go south, then a few steps west,then north up the steps. Don’t even touch any of the statues with your barehands or it will come to life and chase you down (their attacks are strong).Go one screen to the west. Now, if you want the power bracelet, get it fromthe northeastern statue. Keep going west until you can’t go any further.Now, go down the stairs. Here, in this shady area, go one more screen west.Plenty of Lynels should be at the bottom of the steps. By the way, you’re ascreen east of the graveyard. Go up the stairs to the entrance and go onin, ignoring the Lynel. (There’s also an alternate entrance to the sameplace under the northwesternmost statue.)Basic walkthrough:Level 6—Snake is very straightforward, but challenging. You’re in for oneheck of a nasty surprise. Start out by going west. If you have no littleor no keys, you don’t belong here yet. Unlock the door to the west and gothrough. Nothing, right? Nope, wrong again. That’s right—magic. Justwhen you thought this game was getting moderately easy. The Wizzrobes willaim their magic at you, so stay out of the way and stab when they appear.After they appear once or twice, they’ll go away for good. But that doesn’tmean there won’t be more who are more persistent. Continue north.In this room, defeat all the Gels, grab the compass, and continue north.You know about these rooms where fireballs are coming at you—stay moving.Taking out a bunch of simple Keese still shouldn’t be much of a problem.Snag the key and keep on going north. The moment you enter the next room,run as fast as you possibly can north straight to the other side and thetraps should barely miss you. Continue. In this next room, I’m sorry tosay, ya’ve gotta take out each and every Wizzrobe and Like-Like, even withthe red Bubble to avoid. Take out the Like-Likes first to get thoseannoying little pests out of the way. Now, for the Wizzrobes. Same asbefore for the orange ones, follow the blue ones and stab when they becomesolid. Once they’re all defeated and the doors open, keep on going north.In this next room, you have two choices—go north and fight the big, hugeGleeok, then go east… or simply bomb your way through the eastern wall andgo north, using a key to get through the door. And if you don’t have a key(which shouldn’t really happen), then you can kill the Wizzrobes and get thekey from inside the rectangle of lava. Either way, you’ll end up in a roomwith a map. Unlock the northern door and go into the room with theWizzrobes. Defeat them and push the western block to make a secret passageappear. Get the magic rod from the passage.That’s right—now you can show those Wizzrobes what you’re made of. Themagic rod can come in very handy as one of the most useful items in thegame. Once you have it, go three rooms to the south. You’ll be trapped ina room of several Vire. By now, defeating Vire should be simple for you.Then, both doors should open and you can go east. This room is a lot likebefore. Wizzrobes, Like-Likes, and a Bubble. Take ‘em out like before(should be easier now with your new toy, heh-heh) and push the block themake another secret passage appear. Go in.Once you go through the passage, you’ll come out in a room with Gels,Like-Likes, and Bubbles. Go south to the room with the Vire (you can get aquick key for the upcoming locked door), then go west into the room withWizzrobes and traps. Now, unlock the door to the north, prepare to fight anoversized one-eyed spider (have your bow ready), and go in.Gohma will scurry back and forth, opening and closing its eye. It should besimple enough (if you time it right) to get a clear shot at the eye with thebow when it’s open. Grab the heart container, go in, and grab yourwell-earned sixth unit of the Triforce of Wisdom. Congratulations! You’remore than a quarter through the game.Level 7—First Quest _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 $-!/F B _-1 / _ % / 7 E%_-*-B%_ / _ _ _ 6 U 1-Z/X % _ _ 5 !/_-F _ / 4 U _ % _ _ 3 !-_/O U / _ _ 2 B-B-_-_-B-_ 1 F V-B A B C D E FSpecial Items:C7=Red Candle (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:D3=THERE’S A SECRET IN THE TIP OF THE NOSE.A4=I BET YOU’D LIKE TO HAVE MORE BOMBS. (Carry 4 more bombs: -100 Rupees)A6=GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE… (Goriya, to make him go away, give him Food)How to reach Level 7:WARNING! YOU MUST HAVE FOOD TO COMPLETE LEVEL 7. If you don’t have themagic sword by now, I’d recommend getting it. From H1 (start), as usual, goone screen north, then continue west until you’re one screen west of thebridge. Then, go one screen north and two screens west. The Octoroks,Zolas, and Moblins should be no problemo at this point in the game. Now goone more screen north to the fairy fountain. “There are secrets wherefairies don’t live.” There’s truth to that. Just ignore the Moblin unlessit’s too big a problem, and play the recorder with B to make the waterdrain, revealing a staircase. Well, where do you think it leads, genius?Please proceed down and keep your hands and feet inside the, um, sanity, atall times, thank you for riding, and have a nice day (this is the part wherethe annoying, kiddie little song plays).Basic walkthrough:Welcome to Level 7—Dragon, and yadda, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah. Let’sjust keep this simple, okay? Go north. Goriya, big deal. By now, youshould be able to take out these suckers easily. It’ll get you extra bombs.Otherwise, proceed north, bombing the wall to get it out of your way.Goriya. Try to ignore them and continue north. Here, avoid the blueBubbles and kill all the Keese and blue Goriya to open the northern door.Go through it into the room with the Digdogger. Level 5 is over. Play therecorder and go west, because you’ll get nothing from defeating it.In this next room, unlock the northern door and continue (and if you killall the stupid Goriya, you’ll get 5 Rupees). A Goriya. Don’t attack it,because it won’t work. You can’t get past it yet. Go up to it, and give itthe food with B and it’ll go away. Continue. Get the map from this room.Now, you can bomb the northern wall to reach a room full of Rupees.Jackpot! Now, go back, use a key on the door, and continue east.More blue Goriya. Just bomb your way through the eastern wall. Here, killall the Goriya and push—you guessed it—the western block to reach the secretpassage containing the red candle. Retrieve it from the passage and bombyour way east. In this next room, just unlock the eastern door to continue.By now, Level 5 is over, so taking out a Digdogger shouldn’t be hard. Oncethe door opens, proceed north. In this next room, you won’t get anythingfrom killing the Dodongos, so just bomb your way east.Big danger here. WALLMASTERS!!! Avoid at all costs, or you’ll be takenback to the entrance. Also avoid the Bubbles, but they’re not nearly asannoying. Now, push the block in the center of the easternmost row to makea passage appear in the northeastern corner. Go to it, avoiding theWallmasters. They can, however, be stabbed to death with your sword, butthat’s unsafe. Take the passage into a room full of Goriya. Take them out,push the western block, prepare to fight another Aquamentus, and bomb yourway through the eastern wall.Well, that’s it. Level 1 is over, and taking out an Aquamentus at thispoint in the game should be easy. If you’re still having problems, refer tothe Level 1 walkthrough for info on how to defeat an Aquamentus. Snag theheart container once it’s dead and continue east. In this room, grab theseventh Triforce unit for another victory. One more to go! Nice job!Level 8—First Quest _ 8 B _ / _ 7 B-_/* _ % 6 X $-E _ / _ _ 5 U-Z U _/1 E5=Bombs / % 4 F/1 _%! _ / _ 3 F-F/F%O 2 ! _ _ _ 1 */!-V-F A B C D ESpecial Items:B1=Book of Magic (from secret passage)E7=Magical Key (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:A5=10TH ENEMY HAS THE BOMB.C5=SPECTACLE ROCK IS AN ENTRANCE TO DEATH.How to reach Level 8:You might’ve thought Level 7 was kind of easy, especially with an Aquamentusas a boss, but if you thought the quest would finally get easier, you werewrong indeed. Level 8—Lion will surprise you. From H1 (start), go eastuntil you reach the sea. There will be lots of Leevers, so hurry twoscreens north. The Moblins definitely shouldn’t be a problem. Now, takethe northernmost path one screen east, then south, then one more screeneast. Take the horizontal path through the middle and burn the treeblocking your path with your candle to reveal a staircase. Where do yathink it leads?Basic walkthrough:Start by going west. Level 3 was toast some time ago, so taking out aManhandla shouldn’t be a problem at all. Kill it to get 5 Rupees and openthe western door. In this next room, you should easily be able to take outthese Darknuts and Gibdos, even with the Bubbles in your way. After theDarknuts and Gibdos are dead, push the western block and retrieve the bookof magic from the secret passage. Go back to the entrance. You can get akey from the room to the east.Now that you have the book of magic, the magic rod is likely the most usefulitem in the game. Now, every blast of magic that you fire from the magicrod will create fire, which (like the candles) is good for burning trees,lighting up dark rooms, and attacks. Easy to get, and well worth it. Aren’t you glad you got that book?Now, from the entrance, go north into a sand-filled room with a Manhandla.Try to avoid it, and bomb your way through the northern wall to get to themain part of the labyrinth. In this next room, defeat all the Darknuts toopen the door and grab the key that appears. Head north. Here, just unlockthe door and go north. In this next room, defeat the Darknuts and gothrough the eastern door, then defeat the enemies and grab the extra bombs.Now, go back to the previous room and bomb your way through the northernwall. Another Manhandla. Unlock the door and go north (and if you want,kill it and grab the map).A Gohma. This one is tougher than the one guarding the Triforce unit inLevel 6. Same strategy, though. What, since when do I have to tell you andnot make you actually think? Fire arrows at its eye when its open! Whenthe doors open, you can go north and defeat all the Darknuts to get extrabombs when you’re out. From the room where the Gohma was, go east. Defeatthe Darknuts, and bomb the Pols Voices. Then, push the western block andget the magical key from the passage.Now, guess what? You no longer need to carry keys! You can unlock doorswith A. Trust me, you’ll be very glad you got it when you’re in Level 9.Now, go all the way back to D5 (refer to the map I put here). If you needto defeat the Darknuts again, do it! Hey, stop whining… if you wantsomething to whine about, go to Level 9. When the eastern door opens, go inand take the secret passage to the room full of Pols Voices.Don’t panic! I told you to expect this, this is Level 8! You need one morebomb, so don’t waste your last one. Knock any Pols Voices away with yoursword as you walk through the spiral to the northern wall. Bomb through itinto the room with the Gleeok. A three-headed dragon. That shouldn’t be aproblem, since Level 4 was kind of long ago. Take it out, get the heartcontainer, go north, and grab—yep, the final unit of the Triforce! TheTriforce of Wisdom is complete! Now, prepare to save Zelda and face offagainst Ganon. Off to Death Mountain!Level 9—First Quest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 _%U 6-5%2-U * _ / / _ _ _ % 7 * B !%_ 1%!-B _ / % % 6 4 _-_%B-_ B%!-E _ / _ % % 5 5-_ X _-! O _-B % / / _ _ _ _ 4 ! _ Z U !-_-_ F % / / 3 _/_ 6 _ _-1-F F _ % 2 4-!%2 _-_-U % _ 1 3 _%3 V A B C D E F G HSpecial Items:A7=Silver Arrows (from secret passage)H8=Red Ring (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:G2=(deserted)G8=GO TO THE NEXT ROOM.C8=EYES OF SKULL HAS A SECRET.D4=PATRA HAS THE MAP.How to reach Level 9:HAVE THE MAGIC SWORD. YOU MAY NEED IT TO DEFEAT GANON. Now that theTriforce of Wisdom is complete, it’s time to save the beautiful princessZelda. Have a 2nd potion ready. Have the highest level equipment anditems. Level 9—Death Mountain, the last labyrinth in the quest, is notgoing to be easy. Play the recorder and the vortex will take you right toSpectacle Rock on Death Mountain. Oh, jeez, it really ‘screams’ “It’s righthere, waste all your bombs trying to find it, it’s so ‘simple!’” Bomb thesoutheastern corner of the western rock and go into the cave. How obvious.LBasic walkthrough:WARNING! YOU SHOULD GET BOTH BOMB CARRYING UPGRADES FROM LEVELS 5 AND 7,AND HAVE THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BOMBS YOU CAN CARRY. DON’T WASTE THEM ONANYTHING BUT WALLS IN LEVEL 9. You are guaranteed to get lost without aguide (like me, ahem ~_^). Since there are tons of secret passages, referto the map. Now, let’s get down to business. The map might be useful toyou, so we’ll get that, then the red ring for x4 defense against Ganon. Toattack Ganon, you need the silver arrows. Then, we’re going to go kickGanon’s big, ugly oversized pig butt and save princess Zelda. Well, let’sgo, try to keep up with me, here! This is the last labyrinth in this quest!Start by going north into the deserted room. Go west into the room with theWizzrobes and Bubbles and bomb your way through the northern wall into theroom with the Lanmolas. To take out a Lanmola, stab at its one eye. Takethose two out, push the western block, and go through the secret passageinto the room with the Like-Likes.You are now in the main part of the labyrinth. Go around the spiral, unlockthe door, and go east. Now, go another room to the east into the room withthe Patra. Unless you’re getting low on bombs, I wouldn’t fight it. Gosouth to the room with the Zols, then bomb your way east to a roomwith—another Patra. Stab at the small eyes that fly around, then, once they’re out of the way (you don’t have to get all of them), stab at the big eyeuntil it’s dead and grab the map.Now you can bomb through the northern wall into a room with Wizzrobes,Like-Likes, and a blue Bubble. Bomb through the northern wall into a roomwith Wizzrobes and blue Bubbles. Take out the Wizzrobes, and by now, I’msure I don’t have to tell you which block to push. Get the red ring fromthe secret passage. That’s x4 defense! Now, one more thing: the silverarrows. Now, go back to G7 (refer to the map). Unlock the northern doorand go through.The old man will tell you to go to the next room—wherever that is. Bombthrough the western wall. In this next room, defeat all the Wizzrobes, pushthe western block, and take the secret passage to a room with Gelseverywhere. Get rid of them, unlock the western door, and go in. In thisroom full of Keese, you can get 5 extra Rupees by killing those annoyingthings. Go west and defeat the Patra to get a key. Now, since you know howto reach a secret passage by now (or you inhaled too much kitty litter lastnight), I won’t tell you how to. Take that passage to a room withWizzrobes.Bomb through the northern wall into a room with Bubbles and Wizzrobes.What, you weren’t expecting any easier, were you? Kill them, push thecenter block of the easternmost column, and get the silver arrows fromt thesecret passage that appears. Now that you have what you need to defeatGanon, go back to the other room and take the secret passage back to theroom where the Patra was. Go north. In this next room, you need to fight abunch of Like-Likes. Don’t even let them get near your magical shield.Wait… you DO have one by now, right? Anyway, once they’re all defeated, gothrough the western door that opens.Unlock the doors to go two rooms to the north. In the room with theWizzrobes and traps, defeat the Wizzrobes and push the western block toreveal the secret passage. Take it to another room with Wizzrobes andtraps. Bomb your way through the western wall. That was the last time youhave to bomb. Kill the Like-Likes and Gels while avoiding the Bubbles, andtake the secret passage in this room to a room with a Patra. Take out thePatra quickly, and get ready to face off against the king of evil. Gonorth.Time to face off against the king of evil. When he sees you, this wimp willbecome invisible. Stab everywhere until you get him. He’ll be frozen.Now, get out your bow and fire a silver arrow right at him. It may take twoor three times, but he will die quickly if you keep it up without losing toomuch life. If you run out, use a potion. You see, the secret is beingwell-equipped. Now, kill that beast!Once Ganon, king of evil, is dead, the northern door will open. Go throughit. It’s time to claim your prize—a beautiful princess who needs saving.With the magic sword, stab out the fire. She will thank you and officiallymake you a hero of Hyrule. Can it get any better than this? Well, now thatthe Triforce of Wisdom and the Triforce of Power are together again, yourquest is complete… so the second one begins! Aren’t you glad? You get tosave princess Zelda all over again! Hey, put those boxing gloves down!~Second QuestLevel 1—Second Quest _ _ 8 Z/X _ 7 _%1 B7=Key _ 6 _ / _ 5 !%_ / 4 B-E 3 O _ 2 F-1 1 V-* A BSpecial Items: B1=BoomerangOld Men/Women:(none)How to reach Level 1:Candle. Get it. Now. Do you hear me, sir? Sgt. Chris telling you, GETYOUR BIG BUTT MOVING! ^_^ You might think that since it’s Level 1 it’s goingto be extremely easy like the first quest. Nope, afraid not. Level 1 is inthe same location as it was in the first quest.Basic walkthrough:Start by going north into a room with Goriya. Kill them all for a key. Goback to the entrance, now, and then east into the room with the Goriya.When you kill all of them, the boomerang will appear. Bomb through thenorthern wall, get rid of the Keese, and take the secret passage into a roomwith Bubbles and Wallmasters. If you kill all the Wallmasters (stab quicklyand repeatedly), then a key will appear. Unlock the western door and gothrough. In this next room, bomb through the northern wall. Kill theAquamentus, snage that heart container, and go east into the room with theTriforce unit. Grab it for a quick victory. Don’t expect the rest to be soeasy.Level 2—Second Quest _ 8 E _ % _ 7 F-_ X / / 6 _-F Z % 5 _@* 1 C5=Bombs / _ _ 4 F%F-B 3 _%O-F / / 2 F F / 1 V 1 A B C(Note: You can go from B5 to A5, but not A5 to B5)Special Items:B5=Recorder (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:(none)To reach Level 2:Head towards where Level 7 was in the first quest, except when you’re threescreens away from it (that’s one north of the potion shop), go two morenorth. The entrance is under the Armos statue in the center of the northernrow.Basic walkthrough:It looks like north is your only choice right now. Defeat all the Gibdosfor a key, then head two rooms north (in the room with the Gels, defeat themall and push the western block if you need to go back). Here, defeat allthe Keese for a key and continue north two more rooms. If you want, you canbomb through the eastern wall and defeat all the Keese in the room foranother key. Now, from A6, defeat all the Keese, go north through the doorthat opens, and defeat the Manhandla for a key if you want. Go east, thensouth.In this room, follow the path between the blocks straight south and walkright into the middle of the wall. Do it. Do it! No, I’m not crazy! See?You went through the wall to the south. I was right! Again! Okay, fine, I’ll calm down, just don’t call a therapist! No, it’s not a glitch, it’s aspecial power you get in the second quest that will come in really handylater. I’m against cheating, anyway. Go through the spiral and get therecorder from the passage. Now, walk through the western wall back to A5.Defeat all the Gibdos to open the southern door, then go through it. Now,unlock the eastern door and go through it. In this room, avoid the enemiesand knock away the Pols Voices with your sword as you go east. Now, gosouth to the room with the traps, Keese, and more stone statues. Kill allthe Keese for a key. Go south. Kill the Gels to open the doors and get akey. Go south, then take the secret passage to the room with the Darknuts.If you defeat them all, you’ll get extra bombs. Unlock the door and gonorth. A two-headed Gleeok shouldn’t be too hard when you’ve gotten thisfar. Kill it and go north. Grab the Triforce unit for yet another victory.Level 3—Second Quest _ 7 * _ % 6 X U / 5 1 F / 4 E 3 B _ 2 _%Z % 1 _ 1 D1=Compass A B C DSpecial Items:C7=Magical BoomerangOld Men/Women:C6=GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE… (Goriya, to make him go away, give him Food)To reach Level 3:It’s where Level 2 was in the first quest. Play the recorder to drain thewater and reveal the staircase.Basic walkthrough:When you start, you really have no choice but to go north. Go to the northend of the labyrinth if you want the magical boomerang, it’s not that hardand it’s well worth it. There’s only one locked door and the only enemiesyou have to kill are a group of Goriya at C4. After you get it, from C2,unlock the door and go east. This is the boss. A few Dodongos. Unlock thedoor and go south. Take out all the Wallmasters without getting pulled intothe wall and back to the entrance. Then, grab the compass and push theblock in the center of the column on the right to reveal a secret passage.Take the secret passage to a room full of Goriya. Take them out (piece ofcake ~_^), grab the key, and go north through the door that opens. Grab theTriforce unit. I never said this would be long, I just said hard.Level 4—Second Quest _ _ _ 8 U-U/1 _ _ 7 _-F E@* / / 6 B-_-_ _ _ / 5 _-F-$ _ / _ _ 4 F%B-U X / _ @ / 3 _%_/* Z _ _ % 2 O/_-_ 1 _ 1 F-V-_ A B C D(Note: You can go from D7 to C7, but not C7 to D7)(Note: You can go from C3 to C4, but not C4 to C3)Special Items:C3=Book of Magic (from secret passage)D7=Raft (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:C4=I BET YOU’D LIKE TO HAVE MORE BOMBS (Carry 4 more bombs: -100 Rupees)A8=IF YOU GO IN THE DIRECTION OF THE ARROW.B8=LEAVE YOUR LIFE OR MONEY. (Choice: -1 heart or –50 Rupees)How to reach Level 4:One screen south of where Level 5 was in the first quest is where you’llfind it. Push a certain rock once you have the power bracelet, which is inthe same spot as it was in the first quest (refer to the Extra World MapInfo section).Basic walkthrough:Start out by going north. What a nice way to start exploring a labyrinth:fighting a Digdogger. Take it out to open the western door, then gothrough. You can get the compass from this crazy room, or you can use mymore useful map and go north. Unlock the door and go to the east. How longago was Level 1? Not very. Take out this Aquamentus and go east throughthe door that opens. Kill the Keese and Gibdos and bomb the Pols Voices.Then, push the block in the center of the westernmost column to reveal asecret passage. Get the book of magic from the secret passage. You don’thave the magic rod yet, but once you do… uh, yay!Walk through the northern wall. Get the bomb upgrade, you’ll wish you hadlater. If you don’t have the money, come back later. It’s a little much,but well worth it. Now, walk through the western wall, which, unlike theprevious one, isn’t one-way. Take out the Darknuts to get some extra bombs.Unlock the door and go west. Go two rooms north, now. Now, go east. Pushthe block in the middle of the room east. Next, go north. Bomb through thenorthern wall. If you’re low on life, give the sick old man 50 Rupees. Ifyou’re broke, you can lose 1 heart. When the door opens, go east.WARNING! WHEN YOU GET TO THE TRIFORCE ROOM, DO NOT TAKE IT OR YOU WILL WISHYOU HADN’T! YOU NEED THE RAFT! In this room with the Bubbles, push thewestern block that’s in the center of the room to reveal yet another secretpassage. Well, what were you expecting, it’s a labyrinth! Take the secretpassage to a room with no more than a few Bubbles. Unlock the door and gonorth. You should have no problem fighting a Digdogger. Grab the heartcontainer and go north but DO NOT TAKE THE TRIFORCE UNIT! Instead, gothrough the northern wall.Defeat the Darknuts, and go through the northern door that opens. Fight afew Dodongos to open the doors, then go north. Here, bomb the Pols Voicesand kill the Darknuts, then push the block closest to the western door toreveal a secret passage. Get the raft from it and THEN go back for theTriforce unit (which means going back through the southern wall of room D5.Another victory achieved, move on already. Oh, and here’s another cookie.Yay!Level 5—Second Quest _ _ _ 8 X 1/F / _ 7 Z%2 * _ 6 2 _ / 5 F-! _ 4 _/O / 3 _ / _ _ 2 E-!-_ _ % 1 F-1 V A B CSpecial Items:C7=Bow (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:(none)How to reach Level 5:Where Level 4 was in the first quest. Buy the arrows, you’ll find the bowhere. A potion might be useful as usual.Basic walkthrough:Start by going north, then west. Beware of traps. Unlock the door to thesouth and go in. Go through the western wall into the room with the Keese.Kill them and grab the key. Then, go back through to room B1. Take thesecret passage to the room with the Wizzrobes. Get rid of them. On theOUTSIDE of the spiral, push the block in the center of the westernmostcolumn to open the eastern door. Go in. A Gohma. You don’t have a bowyet. Exactly. That’s why this thing called “go south and get it from thepassage” was invented.Now, go back north and kill the Gohma and get the key. Go back west andback through the secret passage. Go back north, then west. In this room,kill the Vire, grab the map, and go north. There’s nothing here, so presson already! (that means north). In this room, IMMEDIATELY go east andnorth, or that trap will hurt. Go east. Kill the Gels that’re in your way,grab the compass, and continue north. In this next room, kill the Wizzrobesand Like-Likes, take the key, and go east.A Manhandla. Show it what that sword can really do! When it’s dead, takethe 5 Rupees and go north. You won’t get anything from killing the Keesehere, but if they’re in you’re way, get rid of them. Go through the spiraland take the secret passage to a room with Vire. Get rid of them, unlockthe door, and go west. You DID bring a potion, right? Use it if you must,and get rid of that three-headed Gleeok to open the door. Go north and takethe fifth Triforce unit. Getting even closer to the end of the game, whichmeans… cookies!Level 6—Second Quest _ _ _ 8 1%!/2 _ _ 7 B/F X / 6 _-1 Z / 5 _-O 2 _ 4 U-E-_ _ % _ 3 *-!%_-_ A3=5 Rupees 2 F-B 1 V A B C D E FSpecial Items:A3=StepladderOld Men/Women:B4=SOUTH OF ARROW MARK HIDES A SECRET.How to reach Level 6:WARNING! YOU NEED BOTH THE BOW AND THE ARROWS! Go to where Level 7 was inthe first quest. Then, go one screen south. Follow the path through thetrees west, south, then west. Here you can burn the southwestern tree that’s in the middle for an extra 10 Rupees. Now, go south to the Forest ofMaze. If you go north, it repeats. South, it repeats. West, it repeatsitself on and on, seemingly. The only way out is to go east, other than thesecret way to the west. Go a screen north, one west, one south, thenanother west and—voi-la!—you’re out of the Forest of Maze. Here go north.You’re now in the graveyard area. Go up the steps. Stay away from thegraves. You can get the extra heart container here while your’e at it(refer to the Extra World Map Info section). Go one screen north, and pushthe gravestone in the center of the second column from the right to thenorth to reveal a staircase. Well, go down already!Basic walkthrough:I guess you can only start by going north. Candle, genius. Go west, killthe Wizzrobes, take the key, and go north. Unlock the door and go two roomsto the west. Push the westernmost block, take the stepladder, and take the5 Rupees. Now, go back one room to the east. Unlock the door and go north.Bomb through the eastern wall here. Next, RUN immediately to the center ofthe room but avoid the Like-Likes at all costs! Kill them to get them outof your way (even ones near the wall), take the map, and go through thenorthern wall to go two rooms north to room C6.Now, walk through the eastern wall and push the block closest to you toreveal a secret passage. Take it to a room full of Keese. Get rid of them,go through the spiral, unlock the door, and go east. Fight the two-headedGleeok and grab the 5 Rupees. Next, go through the eastern door that opens,push the block closest to you, and take the secret passage to a room with aManhandla. You won’t get anything from killing it. Go north. In thisroom, defeat the Gohma, take the heart container, and go north. Anothervictory achieved, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what to do next.Level 7—Second Quest _ _ _ _ _ 7 1 X/Z/_%4 _ 6 * 2 G6=Key _ _ _ / 5 3/U ! _ / / / 4 5/_/U _ % / / / 3 B 2 4 ! 2 E _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 3-V-_/_-1/5/_ A1=Compass A B C D E F G(Note: You can go from C4 to F1, but not F1 to C4)Special Items:C6=Red Candle (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:D5=LEAVE YOUR LIFE OR MONEY. (Choice: -1 heart or –50 Rupees)E4=LEAVE YOUR LIFE OR MONEY. (Choice: -1 heart or –50 Rupees)How to reach Level 7:>From H1 (start), go four screens east and one north (and another east if it’s possible, if not, stay). Then, burn the northernmost tree in the thinwall of trees east of you (the one with another tree right next to it). Astaircase will be revealed. Amost there.Basic walkthrough:Go east until you reach room E1. Defeat the Gibdos and Darknuts, then goover to the western door. Walk east from there until you touch a block.Push that block to reveal a secret passage. Go south, defeat all theenemies, and push the western block in the center of the room to make thesecret passage containing the red candle to appear. Now, take the secretpassage back to E1 and go east. Kill the Manhandla and push the block infront of the western door. Go east, then two rooms north (getting the mapat G2).In this room, kill all the Darknuts, grab the 5 Rupees, and go two morerooms north. Kill the Gohma and go north. Kill the Keese, take the key,push the westernmost block, and take the secret passage to a room full ofDarknuts. From here, go north. Push the block in the middle of the roomnorth, then go east. Choose between one heart or 50 Rupees, then go souththrough the door that opens.Here, kill all the Darknuts. Then, stand in the middle of the western walland walk forward until you reach a block. Push that block and go throughthe secret passage that appears to a dangerous room. Unlock the door and gowest. Kill all the Darknuts, grab the extra bombs if you need them, andcontinue west through the door that opens. A three-headed Gleeok. Whatelse is new? Kill it, grab the heart container, go one more room west, andtake the Triforce unit.Level 8—Second Quest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 4-F 3/_%B-!/_/F C8=Key _ 7 1/7 O / _ _ 6 _/2 X U % / 5 * E Z 6 _ _ % 4 *%3 5 7 _ / 3 4/_ ! 2 _ _ _ 2 !-6%5 U/_/_ 1 1 V A B C D E F G H(Note: You can go from H5 to B2, but not B2 to H5)(Note: You can go from B7 to H4, but not H4 to B7)Special Items:A5=Magic Rod (from secret passage)A4=Magical Key (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:D2=I BET YOU’D LIKE TO HAVE MORE BOMBS. (Carry 4 more bombs: -100 Rupees)H6=GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE… (Goriya, to make him go away, give him Food)To reach Level 8:Get the magic sword if you haven’t gotten it already. Have a potion ready.Go to the screen west of the bottom of the waterfall, at the area where yougot the white sword, which you… DO… have, right? Ugh, haven’t I tought youanything about referring to the Extra World Map Info section? Tell me I’mwrong. Well, if you look EVER SO CLOSELY at the wall (squinting helps), youcan see it’s divided into squares about as wide as the waterfall. Bomb thesquare on the wall from the river (use the stepladder) EXACTLY 18 squareswest of the waterfall. Go into the cave.Basic walkthrough:If you stick with me, this should be short enough. Go one room north, pushthe western block, and take the secret passage. Walk through the southernwall, unlock the door and go another room south, push the block in thecenter of the easternmost column, and get the magic rod from the secretpassage. Hey, I don’t wanna hear your brain hurts, I’m the one doing thethinking! ~_^Go one room north, then go east. In this room, kill all the Keese andGoriya, then push the block closest to the western door and take the secretpassage to a room full of Ropes. Killing them all won’t get you much otherthan a headache, so get the ones out of the way that are in your way, and gonorth two rooms. In this room, defeat the Digdogger, push the westernblock, and take the secret passage to a room full of Keese. Get them out ofyour way.If you end up north of the path, go through the northern wall, push theblock in the middle of the room north, and go west. If you end up betweenthe two rows of blocks that stretch across the room, go west and walkthrough the northern wall. Defeat the Ropes. If you feel the urge toreveal a secret passage to who-knows-where, push the block, but just hurryeast. Push the block east and go north now. Unlock the door and go westhere. In this next room, defeat those Stalfos (at least they fight fair).Now, for the magical key. Go to the center of the western wall, then walkeast until you reach a block. Push it. Ta-daa! Now, you can get thatmagical key from the secret passage so you can unlock any door with A. It’sthe best thing since sliced bread! Hooray! What do you mean, “you’reover-celebrating,” I’m just glad you don’t have an excuse now to complainthat you don’t have enough Rupees to buy more keys! Fine, I’ll shut up.Once you’re done with this game. Almost there.Go back to the room with the block in the center and push it south. Gowest, walk through the southern wall, go east, unlock the door, then goanother room east. Here, kill all the Goriya for extra bombs, then push thewesternmost block and go through the secret passage to a room with Moldorms.If you bomb through the southern wall, you can continue on for a bombupgrade. If you unlock the door and go north, you can get it over with andface three Dodongos, grab the heart container, go north, and complete theTriforce of Wisdom. Now it’s my turn to tell you to shut up and stopcelebrating—it’s time for the hardest labyrinth in the game.Level 9—Second Quest _ _ _ _ 8 *-1 3 X _ _ _ _ _ @ / 7 !/_-_-U@_-1-_/Z _ @ 6 _%_@_-_ _ @ _ 5 _-F@_-_@2@_ _ / % @ / _ 4 _-_@O@_/! *-E-_ % @ 3 B%_ _ _ _-!-_/3 % @ 2 !-_/B-U-_-! 1 2@V A B C D E F G H(Note: You can go from B8 to F7, but not F7 to B8)(Note: You can go from A3 to D2, but not D2 to A3)(Note: You can go from D7 to E7, but not E7 to D7)(Note: You can go from D6 to E6, but not E6 to D6)(Note: You can go from C5 to D5, but not D5 to C5)(Note: You can go from E5 to F5, but not F5 to E5)(Note: You can go from G5 to F5, but not F5 to G5)(Note: You can go from C4 to B4, but not B4 to C4)(Note: You can go from C4 to D4, but not D4 to C4)(Note: You can go from D1 to E1, but not E1 to D1)(Note: You can go from C4 to C3, but not C3 to C4)(Note: You can go from D6 to D7, but not D7 to D6)(Note: You can go from D6 to D5, but not D5 to D6)(Note: You can go from F4 to F5, but not F5 to F4)(Note: You can go from G7 to G8, but not G8 to G7)(Note: You can go from G3 to G2, but not G2 to G3)Special Items:A8=Red Ring (from secret passage)F4=Silver Arrows (from secret passage)Old Men/Women:E2=(deserted)D7=GO TO THE NEXT ROOM.How to reach Level 9:WARNING! BUY A 2ND POTION! Now that the Triforce of Wisdom is complete,play the recorder to go to the very northwestern corner of Southern Hyrule.Now, bringing up those squares again (about as wide as the stairs), bomb thenorthern rock wall two squares east of the stairs. Well, go on in! Lastchallenge.Basic walkthrough:Wow. Now, I hope you’re glad I was so devoted. ~_^ Now, start by goingnorth. Nothing here, so go west, kill the Lanmolas for some extra bombs,and go another two rooms west, avoiding those Like-Likes at all costs.Unlock the door and go west, then north, then bomb through the eastern wall.Here, push the block in the center east and go north, then east. Bombthrough the northern wall, unlock the door and go east, then north, walkthrough the western wall, go another room west, go north, walk through thewestern wall, kill the Lanmolas, push the western block, then get the redring from the secret passage—x4 defense.Then, go back one room east, kill the Patra, push the western block, and gothrough the secret passage to a room with Wizzrobes. Bomb through theeastern wall, then walk through the northern wall in this next room. Then,push the block and take the secret passage to another room full ofWizzrobes. Go west, go through the maze and bomb through the northern wall,then walk through the western wall in the next room. Kill the Wizzrobes,push the block, and then get the silver arrows from the secret passage.Here, walk through the northern wall, push the western block, then take thesecret passage. Before the Bubbles and Wizzrobes can get to you, bombthrough the northern wall. Recognize this room? Okay, you wouldn’t, maybe,I’m the one working my butt off all day. Allow me to quote myself.Quote: …kill the Lanmolas for some extra bombs, and go another two roomswest, avoiding those Like-Likes at all costs. Unlock the door and go west,then north, then bomb through the eastern wall. Here, push the block in thecenter east and go north, then east. Bomb through the northern wall, unlockthe door and go east, then north, walk through the western wall, go anotherroom west, go north,……and then kill the Patra if there’s one there, push the western block, andtake the secret passage. Go east through the hole you bombed earlier. Butthis time, defeat the Patra, and get ready to face Ganon. Go through theeastern door that opens for the final confrontation.Remember the last fight with Ganon? It’s the same this time around. Now,show that oversized pig who’s boss! And then, the beautiful princess Zeldais all yours.~YE ENDEENLARGING YOUR LIFE GAUGESometimes, you’ll want a bigger life gauge so you can take more damage.Here’s how to find all those blasted Heart Containers.~First Quest-Defeat Aquamentus in Level 1.-Defeat Dodongo in Level 2.-Defeat Manhandla in Level 3.-Defeat Gleeok in Level 4.-Defeat Digdogger in Level 5.-Defeat Gohma in Level 6.-Defeat Aquamentus in Level 7.-Defeat Gleeok in Level 8.-Burn the nineteenth tree from the northwestern one at G4 at H4.-Bomb two squares west of the northern path on the northern wall at L1.-Bomb the southeasteastern corner of the rock at M6.-Use the Stepladder to reach the platforms on the sea at P3.-Use the raft at P5 to go across the sea to P6.~Second Quest-Defeat Aquamentus in Level 1.-Defeat Gleeok in Level 2.-Defeat the Dodongos in Level 3.-Defeat Digdogger in Level 4.-Defeat Gleeok in Level 5.-Defeat Gohma in Level 6.-Defeat Gleeok in Level 7.-Defeat the Dodongos in Level 8.-Push the gravestone southeast of the northwesternmost one north at A6.-In the very center ofvthe ground at G8.-Go from the very northeast of K4. It’s in the sand 5th square north and3rd west.-Use the stepladder to get to the platforms on the sea at P3.-Ride the raft across the sea from P5 to P6.ITEMSDescriptions of every item imaginable in the game.Basic ItemsMost of these are random and found almost anywhere.Extra Heart: Increases your life by one heart.Fairy: Flies around, if you can catch her she’ll restore life.Heart Container: Increases your heart capacity by one.Rupee: Worth one Rupee and flashes. Rupees can buy you things and you cancarry 999.5 Rupees: Worth 5 Rupees and it’s blue.Key: Allows you to unlock one door.Bombs: 4 extra Bombs.Inventory ItemsYou can equip these to the B button. _ _ _ _ 2____ 1____ A B C DA2—Boomerang: Push B to throw it, and it’ll come back to you. It’s good forstunning certain enemies, and kills weak enemies.Magical Boomerang: Works like the regular Boomerang, except it’s faster andgoes further.B2—Bombs: Push B to set one down in front of you and it’ll blow up after asecond or two. Good for bombing through the center of certain underworldlabyrinth walls and revealing secret caves in the rocks and ground on theoverworld. At first, you can carry only 8.C2—Bow: You need it to fire Arrows. Push B to let one fly in the directionyou’re facing.Arrows: You can buy it almost anywhere, but once you have it, you can firethem at any time, and never run out until you run out of Rupees. You need aBow to fire them, and for every Arrow you fire, you lose one Rupee.Silver Arrows: Works like the Arrows, but more powerful. They’re Ganon’sweakness!D2—Blue Candle: Push B to let out fire. It can light up rooms in theunderworld, and burn trees on the overworld. It’s also not too bad aweapon. It’s weakness: you can only use it once before the screen shiftsagain.Red Candle: Works like the Blue Candle, but you can use it as many times asyou want, whenever you want.A1—Recorder: Push B to play it. It has a magical effect on some things.Playing it will make a Digdogger’s outer shell disappear, if you play it atcertain ponds, the water will drain, and playing it on the overworld willcause a magical whirlwind to come and pick you up and drop you off at thenearest labyrinth entrance. If you’ve completed the Triforce of Wisdom, you’ll be dropped off at the screen where Level 9 is.B1—Letter: Show this to an old woman at a potion shop with B and she’ll sellyou potions.Life Potion: This blue drink will restore all of your life when you push B,so use it wisely.2nd Potion: When you drink this red stuff with B, all your hearts will berestored and it’ll turn into a regular old life potion.C1—Magic Rod: Push B to let loose a blast of magic. If you have the Book ofMagic, when the magic blast disappears, it’ll disappear into flame and havethe same effect as the Blue Candle or Red Candle.D1—Food: If you give it to a Goriya in your way with B, he’ll go away.EquipmentThis is automatically equipped and will have some effect on you.Raft: If you walk off certain docks in the right direction, you’ll ride theRaft across the water to your destination.Stepladder: You can walk one square across water and lava in the underworld,as well as certain one-square rivers on the overworld, by walking on theStepladder.Book of Magic: Magic blasts from the Magic Rod will disappear into flame andhave the same effect as one of the candles.Magical Key: You can unlock any door in the underworld with A.Blue Ring: Your defense will be increased x2. Everyone wearing green andbrown, including you, now wears white and blue.Red Ring: x4 defense compared to when you start. Everyone mentioned abovewill now wear red and orange.Shield: When you don’t push A or B, you can block certain projectiles infront of you.Magical Shield: Works like the Shield, but bigger, blocks fireballs, magic,and other attacks, and can be eaten by Like-Likes (and gotten back if they’re defeated).Sword: Push A to stab it in front of you. It’s the most basic way ofattacking.White Sword: The attack power of the Sword x2.Magic Sword: x4 attack power compared to the regular old Sword. It can alsohurt Ganon and put out the magical flames holding princess Zelda prisoner.ENEMY FILESWell, this isn’t going to be exactly easy. Here it is.Overworld EnemiesThese creatures roam the overworld.Tektie: They jump around a lot. Get them with your sword. Found in rockyand mountainous regions.Octorok: They crawl around, spitting rocks. Block them with your shield,and the sword should do the trick. They reside on flat land and in thewoods.Leever: They spin and go into the ground and pop back up randomly. I’drecommend stabbing them. They can be found near water and in large numbersin the desert.Peahat: Suspectible to bombs when they’re not spinning and flying around,found near water.Moblin: They walk around, these annoying bulldog-like things, firing arrows,and mainly inhabit the woods. The most well-known servants of Ganon. Useyour sword and arrows.Armos: These statue warriors stand still until touched. Then, they attack.Stab them the moment they come to life. They are usually found in closedareas, often in rocky areas.Ghini: These ghost-like things are found in groups in the graveyard, onegroup on every screen. The leader will fly around. Stab it. When youtouch a grave, another Ghini will come out, etc. But only the leader can beharmed. When the leader dies, all Ghinis not in their graves will die.Lynel: These centaur warriors attack with swords and can fire magic beamsfrom their swords just like you can! Found mainly on Death Mountain. Useyour sword.Zola: They attack solo, mostly, and from the water, bein water creatures.They spit fireballs at you, which the magical shield can defend against.Fire arrows and use the magic rod.Rock: They fall from the mountains. Just dodge them. They can’t be gottenrid of.Underworld EnemiesThese truly scary monsters lurk in the deep and dark labyrinths.Gel: These tiny, weak things will jiggle and make tiny bounces around.Stab.Zol: These big, ugly things split into two Gels when stabbed.Rope: These annoying snake-like pests will slither at you faster than youmight expect. Stab them quickly.Keese: These are annoying and weak bat-like pests that any weapon can getrid of, like most enemies.Vire: These devil-like things bounce around. When stabbed, they’ll splitinto two Keese.Stalfos: These are skeletons that will attack with their swords. Simplystab.Wallmaster: These truly creepy hands can go into and out of walls wheneverthey want. If they grab you, they’ll pull you all the way back to theentrance room. Stab them if you must.Goriya: What are these cat-like things? Who knows? They walk around andhurl boomerangs. Stab them.Wizzrobe: These are scary wizard creatures that’ll fire magic at you anddisappear. Some walk around transparent, others teleport.Darknut: You can kill these soldiers by stabbing them in the sides or back.They attack with swords and shield their front side.Pols Voice: These are very creepy rodents that bounce around. Only bombscan get rid of them.Lanmola: These oversized centipedes crawl around. You have to stab theirtails as they get shorter and shorter. Got that?Like-Like: Eyuch, that’s disgusting. If it wraps around you, it’ll eat yourmagical shield if you have one. Stab it multiple times to get it back andkill it.Gibdo: These are mummy-like things that will attack you (obviously X_X). Asusual, stab it.Moldorm: These ugly worm-like monsters will crawl around in the sand. Stabit to make it get smaller. Who knows which end is its head? Good thingthese graphics are cheap?Patra: Flying eyes. How original is that? >_> Stab the little eyes, then gofor the big one.Bubble: A flying skull. Don’t let it touch you.Trap: It’ll zoom at you the moment you get aligned with it. It won’t workwhen it’s resetting, however. Can’t kill it.Stone statue: It’ll spit fireballs, and can’t be defeated.CONTACT MEIf you have any questions, would like to host this guide on your site, orwould like to report any mistakes (I’m sure there’s a ton ^_^) email me atChrisPaulB@comcast.net But please, no flaming.LEGAL INFORMATIONAll my sources, I have listed below in the credits. All this info was puttogether by my playing the game. However, when I finished the game for thefirst time, I asked for help, and I admit that. But everything major is allme. I didn’t use any other guides. All the items, characters, etc. hereare all copyright Nintendo(c). You may not copy this and claim it is yourown. You may only use this guide if you have proper permission (see abovefor my email adress). As of right now, this guide may only be used on thefollowing sites:www.zeldauniverse.netwww.gamefaqs.comwww.hyrulecastletown.comIf you see it anywhere else, please email me. If you ask for permission,your site will be added to the list.CREDITSI did use the following sources on the internet:Game FAQs for warping solutionZeldauniverse.net, enemy listZelda.com, getting through quest 1 for the first time.--
Walkthrough by zelda universe.com

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